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Speaking Engagements

Julie Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer

Susan Buckley Speaks at Gender Equality and the First Amendment Symposium

Friday, November 2, 2018 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM

On Friday November 2, 2018, Susan Buckley spoke at Fordham Law School's Gender Equality and the First Amendment Symposium. The panel, Media, Money, and the #Metoo Movement, discussed:

  • How does the pervasive role of money in politics affect gender politics? 

  • Does Citizens United skew the most prominent issues away from those most central women voters? 

  • Has online media – including Twitter – actually facilitated female empowerment, or does it present greater risks for women?

  • What role, if any, should government play in regulating these marketplaces of ideas?

This symposium brought scholars and practicing lawyers from around the nation to address many of the pressing challenges facing feminists and free speech advocates today. 


Fordham Law School

Costantino Room, Second Floor

150 West 62nd Street

New York, NY 10023

Julie Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer