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Speaking Engagements

Julie Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer

Chérie Kiser Speaks at the 2019 World Technology Law Conference

Thursday, May 16, 2019 4:05 PM to 5:35 PM

On Thursday May 16, 2019, Chérie Kiser spoke at the 2019 World Technology Law Conference on the panel "AI: The Myth, The Legend, The Application." Chérie's presentation explored the legal landscape surrounding Artificial Intelligence and its prominent role in telehealth. The presentation also explained how the Federal Communications Commission’s light-touch regulatory treatment and new policies are speeding broadband deployment to advance health care connectivity and increase Americans’ access to health care services, the role states are playing, and how AI, in combination with ubiquitous high-speed connectivity, will encourage significant health care innovation and investment while bridging the American health care and digital divide. Chérie was joined by fellow panelists: Katie Staba of K&L Gates, Robert Kabat of 20th Century Fox, Lára Herborg Ólafsdóttir of LEX Law Offices, and Hanna Kim of Microsoft.


Rose Kennedy Ballroom Salon III (3 Floor), InterContinental Boston

Julie Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer