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Speaking Engagements

Julie Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer

Sean Tonolli Speaks at The Thomson Reuters 3rd Annual Corporate Risk, Ethics & Compliance Forum

Thursday, September 26, 2019 1:15 PM to 2:15 PM

On Thursday, September 26, 2019, Cahill partner Sean Tonolli spoke at The Thomson Reuters 3rd Annual Corporate Risk, Ethics & Compliance Forum in Chicago. The panel, Corporate Whistleblowing: Investigating Claims of Financial Fraud and Abuse and Reports of White-Collar Crime, closely examined recent high-profile enforcement actions related to cases of financial fraud and abuse by offering best practices in reporting mechanisms and emerging strategies for quickly identifying suspicious, and potentially illegal, activity. Sean was joined by moderator Jordan Domash of Relativity Trace, and speakers Sean McKessy of Phillips & Cohen LLP, Alexandra Rebay of Verizon, and Joe Turner of Sony.


The Metropolitan

233 South Wacker Drive

Willis Tower

Chicago, IL 60606

Julie Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer