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Firm News

Julie Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer

District Court Grants Motion to Stay in Purported Class Action Litigation

Date: 08/08/14

On behalf of Time Warner Cable (TWC), Cahill secured a stay order in a purported class action, on behalf of all TWC Wisconsin subscribers, brought by plaintiffs alleging a breach of contract with respect to provision of TWC’s video services.

The plaintiffs alleged that as part of their video programming package, TWC agreed to provide the Milwaukee NBC-affiliate WTMJ-TV channel, which was discontinued in July of 2013, breaching their contract. On August 6, 2014, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin granted a motion by Time Warner Cable to compel arbitration pursuant to the terms of its contract with each of the plaintiffs, staying the litigation, pending arbitration of the plaintiffs’ claims for damages and rebates.

Julie Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer