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Firm News

Julie Cohen
Chief Marketing Officer

Cahill Represents Prepetition ABL Agent in Incora’s Bankruptcy Cases

Date: 06/08/23

Cahill represents the prepetition ABL agent in connection with the Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases of Wesco Aircraft Holdings (n/k/a Incora) filed in the United States Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District of Texas on June 1, 2023 (Case No. 23-90611 (DRJ)).  As part of that representation, Cahill advised the prepetition ABL lenders in connection with Incora’s proposed DIP financing and negotiated and documented agreed adequate protection for such lenders under an interim order approving DIP financing and use of cash collateral entered by the bankruptcy court on June 2, 2023.  

Cahill’s representation in this matter is led by Bankruptcy & Restructuring partners Joel Levitin and Rich Stieglitz. The Cahill team also included counsel Javier Ortiz and associates Matt Rosenthal, Davis Frank, Aaron Copeland and Ian Clemens.