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Rankings & Recognition

Julie Cohen
Director of Marketing and Communications

Top Rankings for Cahill's Litigation Practice in Benchmark: America's Leading Litigation Firms & Attorneys

Date: 10/27/08

Legal Media Group (the publishers of Institutional Investor) have recently completed and published Benchmark - The Definitive Guide to America's Leading Litigation Firms & Attorneys. Cahill is top-ranked in New York among a handful of litigation practices as "Highly Recommended", and is Tier 2 ranked nationally ("the absolute top firms in the country") in General Commercial, Insurance and Securities litigation categories.

Benchmark focuses on the US litigation market, with a research team conducting face-to-face interviews around the country with leading legal professionals, in-house counsel and business owners. It is the only guide that does not force litigation attorneys into strict practice area categorizations, instead pinpointing the best all-around "bet-the-company" trial attorneys at both the local and national levels.