Cahill Gordon & Reindel's Litigation Practice 'Highly Recommended' by Benchmark Litigation 2017
Date: 10/20/16
Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP has again been ranked among the top litigation practices by Benchmark Litigation in its 2017 edition, which names Cahill among the leading firms in New York and nationally in: general commercial, antitrust, insurance, securities litigation, and white collar crime practice areas, citing sources as saying "They attract some real top-level work that other firms trip over themselves trying to get." Sources described the firm's litigation practice as "impressive," and a client observed that "Several Cahill lawyers have their own 'practice area sweet spots,' but they also really have the ability to cross over when applicable in way that puts them and the client at an advantage." Benchmark Litigation has ranked Cahill in its highest tier ranking since publishing its first edition in 2008. Seventeen partners have been named “litigation stars,” "local litigation stars," or "future stars" in the 2017 edition.
Published by Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC, and focused exclusively on the U.S. litigation market, Benchmark Litigation’s rankings and editorials are the result of extensive interviews it conducts. "Local litigation stars" reflect lawyers who are recommended by peers and clients to have established consistent reputations as reputable and effective trial attorneys. A description of the selection methodology can be found at: